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Your confidence! I wish I could have the confidence you have. Plus, from the few entries I’ve read, you seem like a nice, funny guy.

You’re a good writer. You can get your point across, no matter how disagreeable the subject matter, in a straight-forward and often humorous way.

Hmm well lets see here.. Your uniqueness and not afraid to show your self off..and totally being comfortable with who you are!

yer sexy pubic hiar..yeah baby. and that chest. i dg your eyes. they are so soulful. ignor em e i am trashed. i still thin your eyes are beautiful though. i see your soul in them. you write passionately bout what you truly feel. its all good babe. rock on.

You’re sensitive. You’re intelligent. You’re a good writer. You’re trying. You’re easy to love. You love in return. You’re quirky. You’re 100% unique. You’re YOU. *HUG HUG HUG*

I like how 90% of your opinions match mine. Heh.

you’re interesting.

RYN: I know that you SAY it isn’t painful.. but it just seems to BE painful… LOL! I think your “tugging” on your frontal lobe or something… be careful! LOL! (You make me laugh so hard sometimes that I cry…) Take care and good luck with it all! Success in your endeavor is ievitable…

That you are intelligent, have a sense of humor, and don’t take offense easily. That you aren’t against me, even if I’m much older than you. In many ways, I think you’re much smarter than I’ll ever be. I wish I had more Timmys here in real life (and not in a Mrs. Robinson sort of way, either). You’re just easy to like, and that’s not a bad thing.

I like the link you left on Spider Boy’s diary!

Your honesty, and your “no-frills” explanations about what you do. 🙂

I like your giggles. And your nakies.

RYN: 100%. 🙁

I read some of it and I don’t understand what you’re trying to say to me, sorry. 🙁

Physically or mentally? I’ll do both. Great hair, great eyes Smart… maybe too smart. Well educated. Heh. How’d I do?

RYN: I can’t think so did you say anything about feeling like there are needles in your insides and that the only way to stop the throbbing is to rip them out and die? Because that’s how I feel and I’d give almost anything for it to go away. 🙁 Like everything’s falling apart.

That you look exactly like Meeno Peluce.

Women who miscarry don’t willfully allow their children to be murdered. ‘Manadatory Birthers miss the point.’ Sounds like you missed a few points if your point was indeed ‘logic’.

your BOLDNESS and your sense of humor.. and the fact that you are one flirtatious sexy beast with really hot eyes.

RYN: I am queen of denial. Queen of never talking. Everybody says getting me to share feelings is like pulling teeth.

Ooh, touchy. If you’re going to make an ignorant statement, such as equating miscarriage to abortion, at least address the point rather than spouting off about something else. ‘Jackass’, ‘consequences’, ’empathising..? Weren’t you talking about miscarriage being absolutely equal to abortion? And that ‘women who miscarry are the same as women whom abort their children’?

A contradiction: *they’re not the ones to have to deal with the consequences* Pregnancy is a consequence of having sex.

Yes, and it is up to us as superior humans to decide who should be born and who shouldn’t, right? After all, ‘some people shouldn’t be born’. Not everyone is equal is terms of human value, ya know!

I would never make a woman feel bad for having an abortion, Lord knows what they’ve been through already, but that doesn’t mean I agree or condone what they’ve done, or that I wouldn’t want to stop it happening in the future. Whilst I agree that some situations necessitate abortion, I do not agree with it being used as a ‘bandaid’, e.g. a situation where the woman simply ‘doesn’t want the child’.

In that case, she should have considered that before she had sex, whether she used BC or not. Carrying a child and raising it isn’t ‘suffering’, and it’s the stupidity of today’s society that it is viewed as such.

Whatever the case, have a nice day. All this abortion talk is giving me a headache.

I like that you’re more honest than the average person. You have a distinct personality and sense of humor.

You’re interesting and have beautiful eyes. And you don’t care about insulting anybody. You’re just…you. -diane