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too cute. 🙂

you have very pretty eyes…I ran across you on the front page…I hope you have a great Saturday

December 8, 2007

Nice pics

I look way crustier when I wake up. You look way too fresh for first morning!

December 8, 2007

Ahh love your pics, love your eyes. Lucky… for mine are brown.

December 8, 2007

your hair has gotten longer since the last pictures i saw!

How long are you planning on letting your hair grow? Wait wait, that doesn’t seem worded right. Are you shooting for a specific length, I guess I’m asking?

December 8, 2007

you look good for someone who’s just woken up 🙂 if it were me, i’d look like i’d been dragged through a hedge backwards.

rawr I love your hair and your eyes. both are such a major turn on =]

December 9, 2007

Whoa! That is some serious bed-head!! Why is all your hair on your head/face area, leaving none for your poor, nakie armpit?!?

December 9, 2007

Yummy yummy yummy… 🙂

So far, all the notes I’ve gotten from guys have said the same thing as you. However, all the notes from chicks are the opposite point of view. Of course guys dont see it like girls do. Thus, conflict. I just wish he would respect my wishes sometimes, its nice to have a guy to do that every once in a while.