Something Extraordinary.

I was in the bathroom, engaging in interior monologue prior to tuggifying myself. I had just washed my tugger, as that’s what I do prior to application. I had already shucked my boyundies and pants, my penis visible below my shirtline. That’s when I saw something extraordinary.


I thought maybe it was an artifact from being snuggly in my boyundies. I always pull my skin forward prior to storing my boybits. So I pulled the skin back taut, then pull it back forward to see what would happen. It retracted – but the skin didn’t fully clear the glans, a small amount remained above the corona. I pulled the skin back again, and I gripped my glans, attempting to make my flaccidity as long as possible. (Because I can be rather lanky when flaccid.) Then I pulled the shaft skin forward and watched. It retracted, but again, not enough to retract completely.

I looked into the mirror and smiled.

It’s been a long time since I last tugged with any determination. This latest endeavour was just a shot in the dark, really. Get in as many hours in per day as possible, regardless of how few it was. And whatever happens, happens. How many hours a day? If I get home at 9 PM, maybe two, three hours tops. Other days, maybe five hours. Nothing close to 8 or 12 hour days. Due to reduced intensity per day, there hasn’t been any skin problems with my penis, unlike what I ran into with my first run. There is such a thing as tugging too aggressively, as some have discovered.

When did I restart this? Two, no more than three weeks ago. I’m just kind of amazed. I’ve been short of this landmark for SO long. I could induce coverage if I was sitting, but then my penis would be very short as a result. I could never have coverage while standing.

I’m just really excited. I’m DEFINITELY going to be seeing this through as winter sets in. I can totally make progress this winter. I’m so happy. I’M GROWING A NEW PENIS!!!

(And no, I didn’t think to take pictures. Though, I’m sure I could do some at some point, if anybody’s morbidly curious. We know everybody and their mom has seen my flaccidity. Those moms love me!)

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November 3, 2006

I’d like to see pics! Not just because I love your penis, but because it intrigues me that your fauxskin is coming along so nicely!

November 3, 2006

Woo hoo! Hooray for fauxskin!

I love you. -Mom

November 3, 2006


November 3, 2006


November 3, 2006

😀 Be well,

More penis is always good penis!

Aw, I’m very pleased for you. 🙂 Rose