The Breakfast Survey.

I’m morbidly curious. It’s almost noon where I am. Okay, I got up late. (I WAS CUDDLING.) But, still, I’m going to eat breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day!

What did YOU eat for breakfast? Or will, as in my case. Today is going to be my usual yogurt smoothie, because I’m a complete lazy ass. Banana, strawberries, plain yogurt, oatmeal, milk – match volume with desired caloric intake and blend it! Eating takes too much damn time.

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April 15, 2009

Honey nut cheerios with bananas on top and milk =]

Oatmeal early, and then a yogurt about two hours later.

April 15, 2009

cinnamon raisn bagel with hony nut cream cheese

April 15, 2009

shredded wheats with 2% milk, a banana, a handful of dried berries, tea, and an orange. and i’ll be hungry again by 10:30! that’s what happens when you average 3 hours of training per day, i guess.

coffee. sometimes i have a nutrigrain too, but usually just coffee these days.

April 15, 2009

3 big bites of unsweetened plain yogurt, two pieces of warm homemade bread with a piece of cheese on each.

April 15, 2009

I don’t eat breakfast. I wake up every morning too nauseated to eat, and I usually can’t until 2pm or so. If I manage to keep anything down, it’s generally something like three tablespoons of oatmeal or something else really mild.

Diet Coke. I’m working on it, don’t judge.

Whole wheat english muffin with butter or bagel with cream cheese, maybe yogurt, maybe fruit, glass of OJ, vitamins, and coffee with sugar and almond milk. I love breakfast.

Pancake made with 2 egg whites blended with 1/2 cup oatmeal, covered w/ 1/4 cup natural applesauce. I make the pancakes on Sunday and freeze them for the week.

April 15, 2009

you should make a breakfast banana split. it is like your smoothie… just… not blended. yes. it is delicous and i eat it almost every morning.