The Liberals & Spanking Survey.

I had the realization that most of the ladyfriends I have would go for a good spanking. Coupled with this is the fact that 99% of my ladyfriends are flaming liberals. ..Okay, maybe not all of them are quite as flaming as me. Now I am quite sure there are conservative factions who enjoy a good spanking, but that isn’t entirely what I’m after. Is there anyone who considers him or herself a liberal, but does not enjoy spanking?

I, myself, am a flaming liberal, and enjoy giving and receiving a good spanking.

I’m using the generally understood usage of the word “liberal”. Fact is, invading a country on the other side of the planet isn’t exactly conservative, it seems like a very liberal use of our army. In fact, coupled with his completely lack of fiscal conservation, one might argue that Dubya is, in fact, a flaming liberal! But such things are merely semantical. Though, given his status as the most powerful dry drunk in the world, I bet Dubya likes a good spanking. Can’t you see it?

“Call me president, baby. Who’s the most powerful man in the world? I’m the president. I’m important! I’m having sex with you. Oh yes. I’m the president. I made decisions. That means I decide things. I’m important! You’re having sex with George Dubya Bush, the most powerful Texan in the world!”

But really, I just mean the tendency to be open to new ideas, whereas being “conservative” means being closed to newer ideas, and preferring to stay with “old” ways. Today’s conservatives are yesterdays liberals. So it stands to reason that most liberals would enjoy a good mutual spanking in the bedroom.

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I have a low-grade migraine now, thanks to your too-small font. What the hell does being liberal have to do with wanting to be spanked?! I am not a liberal…I don’t think…actually I don’t know. I guess I really don’t care. But I wouldn’t mind being spanked once in awhile.

December 12, 2006

I won’t get into my political opinions here, but I’m definitely not liberal by my own political definition, and spanking could be alright with me. But you’re not looking for me, eh? Fine. 🙁 😛

Umm…I have no idea if I’m liberal, and I do enjoy spanking.

Flaming liberal here. Love spanking. Just don’t spank my kids. I’ll have to buy a gun and kill you.

December 12, 2006

I’m quite liberal but I do not like spanking. But that’s because of a bad experience resulting in an aversion to it, so my results may not be reliable =)

*falls over laughing* *poke poke poke*

December 12, 2006

*raises hand* aye, on both topics

Yep and yep.

December 12, 2006

I’m pretty liberal and spanking is not something I’m interested in. *shrug*

the question becomes, is the spanking therefore also liberal, or conservative?

December 12, 2006

yep and yep. 🙂 love the whole spanking bit. hubby seems to like that about me. especially during doggy style sex. *laughs* why i just told you that, i have NO clue.

I love spankings. But my man won’t spank me. He says its ‘hitting’ me. If I like it and ask for it, its not bad, right?

December 12, 2006

I like a few good smacks on the ass during doggystyle, but I’m not down with the crazy, turning-buttcheeks-red-with-palm-prints kind of spanking. The Dubya sequence cracked me up. Somewhere, I have a great pic of him saying, “I do it myself!” which just has me rolling.

December 12, 2006

sex with dubya…that wasn’t a pretty mental picture, but hilarious nontheless. Thank you very much 😀 I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I LOVE receiving a good spanking, TYVM.

December 12, 2006

I’m a flaming liberal who loves spanking–but only for consenting adults, of course. 🙂

December 12, 2006

I read Cosmo on occasion, and yes I realize it kills brain cells, but sometimes I need to kill off a few. It keeps me grounded. And I don’t know that any good liberal wouldn’t enjoy a good spanking every now and again.

December 13, 2006

I am quite liberal and really enjoy spanking.

Aw, but we already know that Neo-cons are just closeted naughty Liberals that are too afraid to walk away from the flock, give them a flogger and watch them go!

People who don’t know whether or not they’re liberal should be spanked.

December 13, 2006

i’m extremely liberal, about as liberal at someone can get and spankings just make me giggle lol

December 14, 2006

Flaming and Liberal yes…