Timmy Manifesto VII

Not so much a revolutionary thought as it is a concise thought that’s been thought before, could always use a refreshing, and definitely needs to be written down for posterity.

With my year-long goal of finishing school complete, I lack goals at the moment, both long and short-term. So. What do I do now?

The difference between me now and the me of old is that I know that events will not simply happen to me, I must make them happen. Memories, experiences, opportunties, they can all be created by me. All good things. It’s not so much about needing to change or being my own catalyst for change, as it is being my own initiative. I can be my own initiative. My mind feels healthy. I noted to Cliff tonight that I haven’t thought about self-identity in a long time. Freed from the chastity of confining myself to what I thought I was, I’m free to do whatever pleases me. I’m in control of my own damned life.

And so I say simply how I’m keeping busy. If I don’t, I know I’m not as happy. It’s part of my motivation.

Again, even simpler: I am my own initiative, my own catalyst, to do (or don’t do) whatever I want. I know waiting for life to simply happen to me will lead to apathy, stagnation, and unhappiness.

My sixth manifesto emphasised acknowledging what I don’t know, and constantly seeking to improve and further myself. To grow. Something like that. This is simply an annotation of my feelings of self-empowerment, and the necessity of being proactive rather than reactive.

Feeling good, feeling wise, and feeling capable of anything, I am.

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May 29, 2009

Awesome, the path to self discovery is a hard one and ever changing one at that. But it is good to know the core of yourself. 😀 RYN: I love anything involving legs–I love the rubber legs you get after you lifted a lot or something just at the thresh hold of your limit.

May 29, 2009

I enjoy your manifestos. 🙂