
I spent last night with Dan and Liz. I see my variety is increasing. I was expecting Erik and Ashley to show up at some point. Just. Because, trying to interrupt Dan and Liz while they’re mating is part of our routine.

I rarely get time to talk to Dan one on one. He’s like me in that he’s different if you talk to him one on one. Sure, most of us are like that. But some people you really need to be alone with them for them to tell you anything. And, of course, Liz and I get along just fine. After we had went to 7-11, we both turned around to Dan asked him how his perogies were. Liz and I looked at each other funny because we said it at the same exact time. I love when shit like that happens.

We watched Moulin Rouge. I remember watching it a year or two ago on DivX. I burned a copy of it for an old friend, Kelsey, and mailed it to her. *nods* I only vaguely remembered the movie, in that the play he’s writing mirrors the movie. I remembered the ending making me want to stab myself, but watching it again, I couldn’t see why. I admit, I laughed far more than I anticipated. Dan got a little sleepy at times, as did I, but we were both entertained.

Movies where people instantly fall in love, I can’t take them seriously. Yes, things happen fast in real life. But that sparkly moment where suddenly BOOM LOVE. No, that’s only stuff of movies. The only reason I could grant a modicum of suspension of disbelief for the movie was because it was taking place over a period of time. I’ve certainly had short-lived infatuations.

Dan made an interesting comment. Nevermind the ending for a moment. What happens after the infatuation is satisfied and they find themselves in a stable relationship? Part of the excitment is having to hide what they have, even though it’s in plain sight. Maybe I’m just not all that cultured, but I don’t know of all that many movies where there’s a great deal of time spent on the infautation, and then it also deals with the long-term aftermath. Of course movies don’t deal with that. Our fantasies have to ride off into the sunset! Who would watch a movie which is like reality? ACTION-PACKED THRILLER OF THE YEAR.

Liz and I had the idea of doing a girl’s night out with Ashley. Well. I’ve been dying to get them to watch Amelie. I swear, I bought that damn DVD. But I have NO IDEA where it is! Nonetheless, I still have a copy of it in DivX on Roxanne. I could hook Roxanne up to a TV, hook up some speakers, and bam, we could watch Amelie. *smiles* For a moment, Liz tossed up the idea of braiding each other’s hair, and for a moment, I forgot I don’t have any.

I can’t see Cliff or Erik liking Amelie, not the way I do. Cliff especially, I doubt he could sit through it. I can see Dan liking it, to a degree. What with Dan’s tendency to notice obscure things.

My GM is short on help, so he asked me yesterday if I’d like to learn line. I’ve been very anti-learning anything about sandwich line. But, I know it’s inevitable. I’m going to end up running the entire store by myself someday. It will happen! So, whatever. I might as well. Mike made it clear that I’d only be doing line on weekends. Which is fine with me. Saturday mornings and Sunday evenings. Just don’t put me on Sunday morning.

As long as I’m still on the schedule to open, I’ll always have a home in bakery. I won’t turn into Beth, who vents a lot about how she misses doing register. *smirks*

It feels like my first day of work again. Heh. I’ll wear that second nametag I made a couple weeks ago. I’ll learn, like I always do. At least Erik will be there to show me the right way to do shit. I try to imagine Erik doing register. Could, but he’d never be as flamboyant as me. I’m flaming, I tell you. FLAMING! :: emits fire ::

Addendum: Mary, you’re such a weekend salad-tosser!

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Amelie is such a lovely movie. It’s hard finding men who agree. 🙂

May 8, 2005

so what are you into? gay or straight? lol

May 8, 2005

*giggles* i did no salad tossing today!! i definitely was in bakery ALL DAY. everyone and his mother called out so i was there for an extra hour trying to help set the evening manager up so he wouldn’t have to do quite as much tonight… seeing as how he was gonna have basically no evening staff. a lot of people lost their jobs at the germantown panera today. ’twas a sad day indeed.

May 8, 2005

You owe me lip gloss Timmy.

May 9, 2005

Amelie is the best movie ever. It is always the first movie I recommend to people who are looking for movies to watch.