With The Lights Out.

Ferry into the darkness
Far away from the sun
Where demons lurk
And spirits are born

Tribalmen dancing around a campfire
The light of a candle reflected in a teen’s eye
Summoning strength
With the lights out

Slowly sinking into a hot bathtub of water
Skinny-dipping by moonlight
Freeing yourself of all inhibitions
With the lights out

Fingers running down your spine
Your body clutching your partner
Sensing nothing but each other
With the lights out

A fire rages on into the night
Soldiers prepare for their midnight assault
The battle rages on
With the lights out

The blur of christmas tree lights across the ceiling
The crispness of city lights racing past your head
An atmosphere that only lives at night
With the lights out

The mosh pit
An orchestra pit
Aural drugs for the masses
With the lights out

Blur the technicolor
Rasterize in utero
and greet satan with a glimmer in your eyes
With the lights out

Du hast mich
Ich will!
be the mountain lion
With the lights out

Shattered glass on the souls of your feet
Pluck them out one by one
Heal where noone can see
With the lights out

Close your eyes and clear your mind
there is nothing to hold you back
let your mind wander where it may
With the lights out

Catharsis of what the light held in
Catheterize what needs to be set free
Meine wut will nicht sterben
With the lights out

Fight fire with fire
With the lights out
It’s less dangerous
to be yourself is all you can be

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October 13, 2005

“Be the mountain lion” should be a line in all your poems. It works well. 🙂