Hello World

About a month ago I quit my job.

About a month before that my husband quit his job and started his own law practice.

Although I hated my corporate job and the majority of the 6,000 co-workers who came with it, and although I generally do not prefer company or make friends easily, I do feel the social absence. I crave context, maybe? Or maybe I enjoy fearing and appeasing a mercurial and unknowable overlord more than I thought, and in the absence of a CEO I’ve leaned in and doubled down with The Internet.

I help out now with technology, marketing, finances, etc. In my corporate life I was elite at these items and for a one-man law firm I am the essence of overkill. I finish my work in 2-3 hours and the rest of the day is open. The work is steady, the existing clients are paying and the new clients are coming in at a sustainable rate already.

I sleep about 8 hours a day, sometimes less. I like to get out of bed around 6 am, but as I age I have more frequent episodes of waking in the wee hours and staying awake. When this happens I follow a strict protocol:

  • Fix Nalgene with 300 mL Gatorade, 700 mL water
  • Roll fresh joint
  • Run very hot bath
  • Enjoy items together until very hot bath is very room temperature bath

But most days I do sleep until 6 am.

I walk my dog in the mornings. She is reactive and I live in the suburbs, so we go very early and we keep it to a mile. It takes about 20 minutes. The vet said this week that the dog is at risk for getting fat, so I suppose we’ll be increasing to 30 or 40 minutes.

This leaves me about 12.5 hours each day to fill as I please. As I said, it’s only been a month but I am now starting to feel the potential of these 12.5 hours bear down on me. I am trying to figure out what kind of life I want to build in my childless middle age. I hope this diary can help me do that.

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