For everything there is a first time

You did, and we are.

Thank-you. It means a lot. I’m glad (and a little surprised) I didn’t get inappropriately excited. I can’t guarantee it won’t happen if we’re ever nude together, but know it’s not ‘cause I’m horny. And I don’t care if you stare, I’m really that comfortable, I know that now.

Sam actually started looking at me when he talked to me towards the end of the night, I think that’s a good sign that he was getting comfortable. He’s never going to sit next to me on the couch, though.

I know it’s a little awkward the first time, and you were really tired tonight so I didn’t read anything into this, I just noticed we skipped the good-bye hug this time. Maybe next time. Not pushing, it’s about comfort, not coercion, if you’re cool I’m cool, but I do like the hugs. I can put pants on for that next time if you want.

Have a good night, and thanks again for coming over. Bestest forever friends.

If you want, maybe sometime we can get naked at your house and walk from the back door to the mailboxes and back. Really give the neighbors a show.

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