Good day at work

We had a good day at work today, despite the fact that we had a really rotten survey from the day before I have to deal with eventually. The day was so good in fact I didn’t even realize we were missing someone until almost an hour after she was supposed to start work. We had a pretty good number of orders for the day, but after a busy morning they trickled in just enough to keep us busy until the next set of orders dropped in, which is a good place to be in. Friday we set a new record for orders in a day and they just DIDN’T STOP all day long until the daily cut off. Everything went out on time, but we were all beat at the end of the day. Friday put us over the top for a new record number of orders in a week as well.

I’m a bit concerned about school; I’m taking a history course this term and I’ve started my big paper but I haven’t received any feedback from the instructor at all despite submitting progress samples. I don’t know if I’m going in the right direction, if I’ve got a proper subject, or if I’ve bitten off more than I need for this particular paper and should pull back some. It’s aggravating to say the least. I will be so glad when I get into my major courses. I actually got an email from my advisor last night and she’s reworked my schedule so next term I have a class for my major; she’s going to schedule me for my missing math credit later on since it’s just to check a box on my transcript, I don’t actually need it for the coursework going forward, so yay!

My yard is looking scruffy, but I can’t mow for at least another few days. I had to get the drain field for my septic system replaced and the re-seeding of the field is not taking hold as well as I’d hoped. I’m going to cut it next weekend regardless, and if I have to go into winter with some dirt showing over on that side of the yard oh well. It’s not like I’ve got an HOA to worry about. When Spring comes I’ll re-seed again but mulch it with wheat straw this time since I’m pretty sure the local bird population ate at least half of what I put out this time. I’ll also re-seed at twice the suggested density, since even where the seed took hold it looks patchy to me.

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