Wounds from a Inner Child

I still feel like the younger child in me is angry. Angry that I was bullied for so long and no one helped. Angry that I couldn’t stand up for myself because the thought of confrontation made me fold like how my parents taught me to. I’m angry that killing them with kindness wasn’t enough.. the adults around me lied. They instilled in me to stand up to my bullies but when I tried to… I was told to stay in a child’s place. When I went home I faced them. When I went to school I faced them. They were everywhere.. and my only escape was dissociating myself into a reality that wasn’t real.. my mind was the only place I felt safe.. sorry if I’m distant.. I’m just in a false reality where everything makes sense and people weren’t so brutal. I’m far deep in my thoughts tucked away in a place I feel sane and seen. I’m not ignoring you.. I’m coping with what I know best.

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