Sunday dreams

I’ll have to title this writing later, no idea what I’ll end up writing. I found this when I was writing morning pages on paper, as well. I’d think I was going to write about one thing, and end up writing about something else entirely.

I watched the end of CBS Sunday Morning with K today (here the show airs from 6-730am, so it’s way too early for us to watch the whole show). We enjoy the show and are happy when we get to see a bit of it.

Commercials are often about money and dreams during this show. which prompts me to think about our goals.

K is a bit anxious, he thinks about retirement a lot, more than most 24 year olds. And he read on the New York Times recently about how his generation is screwed financially for retirement, even if he saves 10% of his income, he likely won’t have enough. This pushes his buttons about money.

Financially right now we are focused on paying off the loans. Once those are paid off as fast as we can, we plan to save up for a house. We’re trying to prepare for that, I plan to close some unused credit cards since I have a few too many. I’ve done my research, it’s best to just have 2-5 cards, and I have a few too many. If I have too many cards, then creditors will worry that I’ll charge them up (despite always paying off the balance) and be in too much debt for my income. which could lower my credit score.

My goal is to be at the best credit score I can be by the time we are ready to buy a home. 🙂

So we are not sure where we will end up living. We have some great dreams of what kind of house we want, what kind of neighborhood, what kind of style of living. what kind of a town we would like to live in, and how we’d like to live.

we’re setting a big goal for a downpayment on our home, at least a big number to aim for on saving.

And we’re setting a big goal for our retirement fund. Something big enough to live on the interest alone. Our age difference is a sort of anomaly we dont quite know how to factor into that picture. I’ll reach 65 in just 22 years, K has 41 years until he’s 65. Who knows what the retirement age will be by then, and when we will actually need to retire. Hopefully I can work past that age, and am in a secure job that allows me to work later.

We’re still trying to figure out our career goals. City librarian, although it sounds delightful, might be a very tough job to keep secure. It has been tough for a few decades. when the economy is good, it’s not like librarians get big raises. when it’s bad, librarians lose their jobs. that’s not great. even with older librarians retiring and leaving job openings that are projected to be improving job prospects.

It might be better seeking academic librarian positions – they might be a bit more secure, especially at a well funded university.

and K isnt sure what he will end up doing. He doesnt plan to go back to school for awhile, and he’s not entirely sure what he wants to do eventually.

so right now, I’m praying. Praying for our future, praying for help and asking for guidance.

Praying for now, and praying for our future. And expressing gratitude for how much we have now. 🙂

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March 6, 2011

Im praying too. I believe it is good to keep dreaming and picturing what you want and aim for it – these positive dreams keep me going in the tough and dull times. Lots of love to you x

March 6, 2011

We have been thinking about this too recently, its important to have a plan.

March 6, 2011

Keeping you in my thoughts baby, but don’t worry about things. Things are so amazing for you right now, try not to worry too much about the future. 🙁 Enjoy the present! Enjoy the moment now baby doll! And I know you did mention that at the end, I just wanted to re-mention it. 😉 I love you, sweetheart, and don’t stress yourself out more than necessary right now. You’ve got enough on your plate, my most sweet honey. *FIERCE FIERCE FIERCE FIERCE FIERCE FIERCE FIERCE FIERCE FIERCE LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING LOVING HUGS*