I = Slacker

"Time goes on, and I go with it, down a circular path going nowhere fast." Aetterna Nox

it’s been forever and a day since I posted here. Okay, more like two months, but still. In internet time, that’s like, an eternity. ^_~

You see, what happened is the real world took precedence. I had to move, had my tooth extracted, spent a week too doped up to function, worked twice as hard to save money at the last minute before vacation, then went on vacation. Now that I’m back, things are starting to get back to normal. I’ve almost got back into the swing of things, and am almost back to a normal money situation. I should, after this next weeks pay, not have any kind of reminder that I spent way too much in chincoteague. I’ve got the urge to take a nap now, but hopefully there will be more updates to come. I’ve got to brag about the awesomeness that is vacationing in Chincoteague, and spend a little time ranting about some of the darker things on my mind, but for now, sleep is winning.

Goodnight, interwebs, and goodnight me.

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