
Forgive me.
Its the holidays and Im getting ready to move.
I still log in and read all y’alls diaries but I havent had time to write. Thank you for your notes, please keep leaving them even though I am super-lame with cheese on top. My life is being sorted into boxes and seperated into keep/dont keep piles. Even my cats are retarded stressed because of the new-ness.
I have little over 20 days to get everything packed, work my 45 hour a week job AND deal with Christmas. Luckily, I did my shopping last month and I dont have to worry about that. Fuck. Im exhausted.
*falls over*

Log in to write a note

You’re not lame, shut up. At least you have shopping done early. It’s so stressful even going into goddamn Walmart. Today I was ready to tuck my chin down and just ram my cart full speed ahead into anything, especially people standing in the middle of the aisle, blocking my way.

December 19, 2008

Freeze dry your cats! They’ll be super fresh upon delivery!

ryn- I KNOW!! I was like, wtf, I didn’t know adults GOT pink eye. I thought it was from touching poop and then rubbing your eyes…