
Yesterday I posted about health concerns, specifically, body aches that have been going on for two months. My intention was to create a log of my illness because I didn’t have confidence that we would find out the problem. Went to the doctor and just got word that I have Lyme disease! The symptoms are classic with the aches, weakness, chills and night sweats.

I have not recall of being bitten in the past two years. 2-3 years ago I had a tick that I had to remove but it was not engorged or anything. I was only there for a few hours before I found it. That’s not long enough for anything to happen. Unless it was there from the previous day and never swelled up? Seems unlikely.

I started a 28 day course of doxycycline. Hopefully this does the trick.  I’m choosing to look at this as a positive since it is something treatable.  My fear is that I could have been infected a long time ago and things have spread to the point where the drugs won’t take care of it.  Think positive!



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