I think I found the best blog service.

I think that OD has improved and is worth the $4. 🙂 Today, Colleen the staff decided that she was going to try and make my life a living hell but, my Colleen (@babybluejay) rescued me. I love you sista! 😀

But the thing is, I am just going to just try and avoid Coll for the meantime…. maybe she was going under stress with this thing we are having at our house. I’m glad the both of us just went out and just de-stressed… but my sister (who is beside me right now) said that the staffer Colleen had no right — and Er-bear agrees — that she had no right to freak out at me. I tell you this though! If she does this again? I’m going straight to Kathy Belmonte.

I will have pictures of Medieval Times after dinner. They aren’t the best quality bc I took them with my 3DS. They will be at my Instagram page.


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June 28, 2018

I love Medieval Times! Our local one has a queen now, which is awesome.

@thediarymaster Here we just have the king and princess. You are lucky! LOL