Pray for them

And you will be amazed.

Yesterday in church. The priest to be honest with you was putting me to sleep. But the scripture kept me awake. Something along the lines of:"If my brother betrays me Jesus, how many times shall I forgive him? Seven?"

"No. Seventy-seven times."

When someone wrongs you. If someone wrongs me. The only way to set myself right, to do my duty happily. Is to pray for them. Pray for their understanding. Pray for their peace. Pray to find a middle road. And my heart will be still. I can’t be bitter. I can’t be vengful. I can’t be violent. Because that only plagues them. That only provokes the blackest spots to stain. To root themselves in our hearts. What a horrid disease hatred is. If you answer with kindness, it stops the hurt. Right?

I thought prayed for my father and my sister and my mother. And for myself for not taking up my crosses. Some of them. For not being as dutiful as I need to be for Him now. I find if communication breaks, if no one speaks. Then why don’t I intiate? Why not call her/him? I’m sure they’re just waiting.

I haven’t talked with my sister for about a month. I hear she’s sick. I feel as though it’s been years. And she might hate me. But I want her to love me. I love her. I think the plant she gave me is dying. I can’t be sure. I have a black thumb as my mother would put it.

I smell like fried shrimp. Or. I think it’s just veggi oil. Either way.

I was late to work the other day. Fifteen minutes. I haven’t been doing well on my outside sales. But. In other incentive news, I hope I make at least three hundred dollars this coming month. So I can pay off my schooling. Or maybe a scholarship or a loan might float on by. Maybe? Please? Ok

My arms are getting tight because I’m typing wrong or something.

I want halo-halo. But I think the sari-sari store is closed. Notice how tagalog can get repetitve redundantly.

I think I’m late for clase de ingles.

Love~Che-Che(there I go again)

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