An odd day and other stuff

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I was offered a job today.  I’m not going to get it though.

I got a phone call today about a job I applied for.  They set up a phone interview for 4 o clock.  That call came and they told me the hours.  I would have to work every other Sunday from 9am.  The problem is that I cant get to where the office is before 10:30.  Well, I could, if I was willing to get a bus there for 6:50.  The interviewer insisted on going ahead with the interview then offered me the job, but I said I would rather wait until she got an answer about me starting late on the Sunday.

I know they’re going to say no to that, s why bother starting the process and then having to stop?

I got another phone call.  As you may remember, when I went to the Sci-Fi Weekender this year, I had to travel down a day early and stay in a hotel.  I found it made things a lot easier, so I’m doing the same in March.  The call was from the hotel, telling me that, due to a lack of bookings, they were closing for the winter and therefore my booking was cancelled.


I’ve found somewhere else though.

Finally got a new halogen oven though:

It’s smaller than the old one, but it does the job.  It also comes with a cage, so I can use the rotisserie setting to cook chips without having to open the oven and shake them.  Problem is, I can’t cook anything else in the oven while using it, as it fills the oven and there’s no space.

Stockton Steampunk Weekend was fun.  Madam Misfit was great as always, Violet Hugh was hilarious, The Wattingers are an excellent Sothern gothic band (they describe their sound as Slaughterhouse Blues), Parissa Zafiri was outstanding and Victor Sierra were good but had sound issues..  And I got these:


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November 29, 2023

What is a halogen oven? Is it like an air fryer?

November 29, 2023

I too wonder what a halogen oven is. What cool steampunk glasses!