Answer time

All right. Lets do it to it.

findingsunshine wanted to know:
*You are the last person alive on a deserted island, with nothing to eat on it except for vegetables. Knowing how much you loathe vegetables, which veggie would you kill yourself with?

Thing is, I don’t hate all vegetables. Just the ones that are blatently evil like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and sprouts. So I’d have to go with one of them, seeing as how they’re out to get me anyway.

*you may have answered this when I wasn’t reading your OD, but was wondering if there has ever been a book that changed our life, and if so, what was it.

Erm, Fast Food Nation is the book that finally got me to stop eating, well, fast food. No Logo inspired me to get more involved in stuff. And The Rule Of four and Hitchhikers Guide blew me away when I first read them.

*Who would you get to compose the score to your first film?

I would love to get Belle & Sebastian but they’ve been burned before when it comes to film scores so I doubt I’d manage it. So I’d have to go with either Snow Patrol or (assuming I could actually afford him) Ennio Morricone. Or Greg Edminson(sp?) the guy who scored Firefly.

*What is your favourite colour post-it note? And, what colour SHOULD they have?

Don’t actually use post-it’s, so I really don’t have a particular favourite. But I do think they should make one that’s sky – blue pink with a tartan border.

*Is Britney Spears the anti-Christ?

Don’t be stupid. That’s Dick Chaneys job!

*Do you prefer to write with a pen or a pencil?

If I’m writing a script I’m kinda exact about things. I like to write with one of those retractable pencils on narrow ruled, margined paper.

Jay The Pest enquired:
My question for you is do you have a girl friend? And if so are you going to ask her to merry you?

At this exact moment in time I’m single and have been since November.

Oribeth finishes this off:
Which foreign language would you most like to be able to speak fluently?

Italian. It’s such a romantic language.

Do you ever have thoughts that, once they’ve popped into your head, make you stop in your tracks and smile/laugh, regardless of where you are and what you’re doing?

All the time. I’ve also learned that it’s not the best idea in the world to listen to Hitchhikers Guide on my MP3 player.

Which Open Diarists would you most like to meet? (I’m excluding myself from this question whether you would want to meet me or not!)

Well, excluding you and in no particular order of importance, findingsunshine, Karma Girl, Peter_24601, Band Candy, Ken Fitlike, Corbeau, shessolovely, Krud, originalsinner, JustSte, The Mary, Sensual, and others.

Do you have a hero? Who/why?

I somehowe people won’t be too shocked when I say that one of them is Joss Whedon, just because he’s so damned talented. Richard Kelly because Donnie Darko inspired me to finally do something about learning to make films. And Ghandi and MLK for proving that nonviolent protest can actually work.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Just enough money to live off but not so much that I don’t know what to do with it. Friends that, when you say that you want to be left alone and not talk to anyone will understand and do just that. A complete and utter lack of writers block. And a half chicken parmo with chips and salad.

If money was no object, what shiny shiny thing would you buy first?

The most powerful Mac I could, 2 monitors, hardware upgrades so I could use them both at the same time, a TV, a DVD recorder, a video recorder and a mi-DV deck so I would have my very own edit suite.

And finally… would you like a pillow for the next time you *headdesk*? ^^

Ohh, that would be lovely, thanks.

Well, hope y’all enjoyed that.


Log in to write a note

Not Norwegian for language! You know how much cooler and weirder that would be?

Not Norwegian for language! You know how much cooler and weirder that would be?

March 12, 2007

awww you wanna meet me! That’s so cool. 🙂 If I manage to get overseas, I’ll drop in and say hi. Sorry I stole your idea for my 100th (well, 101st!) entry! I promise to steal someone elses’ idea for 200. 🙂 D xo

March 12, 2007

awww you wanna meet me! That’s so cool. 🙂 If I manage to get overseas, I’ll drop in and say hi. Sorry I stole your idea for my 100th (well, 101st!) entry! I promise to steal someone elses’ idea for 200. 🙂 D xo

March 16, 2007

I miss you. *hugs and snogs* Sorry I missed the chance to inundate you with pointless questions. *more huggles* ~

March 16, 2007

I miss you. *hugs and snogs* Sorry I missed the chance to inundate you with pointless questions. *more huggles* ~