Dispatches from Aberdeen

Full picture:

I thought I was clever. I still needed to do my mums Christmas card along with Nikki and Kev’s. I packed everything. The threads, the designs, the aida (which I’d cut to the right size). I was sorted.

I forgot the cards and the inserts.

Mercifully, I had taken all my cross stitch stuff with me and I had cards that the finished stitching would fit in. So, here’s all the Christmas cards I made in about a month:

Last Saturday, I went into town for a swim and to go present shopping. I got my present to my mum and dad (a book for each of them). Swimming was a nightmare. Because I bought my pass on the Friday, it turns out I was supposed to use it then and I didn’t know I was supposed to book a specific timeslot for swimming. Got it sorted though, thankfully.

Sunday, spent some time with my nephew, Monday didn’t do anything during the day. I went to see Spider-Man: No Way Home in the evening. It’s really good, though I wish one thing hadn’t been spoiled by the bloody BBC. Tuesday back into town where I got my nephews present (t shirts) and my brother in laws (a poster of pubs in Aberdeen). Thursday, I got my sisters present (an owl decoration for her garden).

Christmas Eve, I wrapped all the presents and then went to see It’s a Wonderful Life, which is a film that I absolutely love and did so again.

Then, yesterday. From my parents, I got money. From my sister, brother in law and nephew, I got an awesome bluetooth speaker (it lights up and the lights react to the music), smellies and a gift voucher, which I’m planning to use to buy the book Storyland (an illustrated guide to British myths) and the sequel to the book When the Coffee Gets Cold.

From the postcard exchange I got, well, all this:

The lager and the passionfruit drink have been drunk, I’ve cracked into one of the packs of Tim Tams. And I’m wearing the socks:

Then my mum went into a sulk. All day she’d been saying that she wanted a picture of her and my nephew, but he refused. She said that she wasn’t going to bother taking any more pictures of him, then that she’s going to go into town on Friday when he’s here, then she stormed off to her bedroom and stayed there the rest of the night.

Thing is, I’ve limited sympathy for her. My nephew is like me, you have to get him in the right mood for him to let you take his pic and he was in a funny mood all day yesterday. Mum should know this by now.

I’m not sure it helped that my brother didn’t bother himself to call yesterday.


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December 26, 2021

Happy Xmas Will.. love the header. 😛

December 26, 2021

Your cards are beautiful. Definitely keepers.

I’d never tasted passionfruit until my neighbor gave me one from the tree in his yard. Now, I love them.

What are Tim Tams?

December 26, 2021

Nice take off on the old folk song …

December 26, 2021

Your Christmas sounded wonderful until the part about your Mom sulking. So sorry that it ended that way.

December 26, 2021

P.S. Your cards are wonderful!