In which Will just kinda rambles

So, I’m back in Boro. And the new housemate is a bigger nightmare than my other housemate told me.

She has friends round all times of the night, plays loud music (you try sleeping when there is reggae covers of crap boyband music playing) and I actually have to knock on the door to get in at night.

So, yeah, one of my friends has a room he’s renting out and I’m just waiting for him to get back in touch with me about going to see it. The rent works out about £10 a week more than I’m paying just now but, to be honest, I’d be happy paying all of my housing benefits and my JSA just to get out of there.

Tomorrow I have an interview at the jobcentre about the fact I’ve been signing on so long. They’ll either (if experience has taught me anything) send me to a place to look for work twice a week or they’ll send me off to an agency.

Then there’s a job fair in a nearby town on Thursday so I’m planning to pop over to that. Once, of course, I’ve been to Forbidden Planet to pick up the copy of Spiderman with Obama in it :¬)

I lost my phone in the house last night. Fairly certain it was lost in the living room, which means that it is gone :¬( So I bought a new one today, which is actually better than my old one. My old sim card is being cancelled and I’m getting a new one for my old number. Plus, I’ve got a voucher for 1000 free text messages. Hopefully it’ll work for sending texts abroad so it’ll be easier for me to text Daphne. But even that amount wouldn’t be enough for this girl.

And I’m about to geek it out. The ringtone will be the sound of the TARDIS taking off, my alarm will be the BSG theme tune and the text message alert is going to be the cloister bell from the TARDIS. Yup, whenever I get a text there’ll be trouble :¬p

Did find out something good today. Last year, the BBC showed a one off programme called Being Human, about what happens when a vampire, a warewolf and a ghost share a house. it was brilliant and well made and made me feel a bit sad that it was only a one off. Well, they’ve finally seen sense and a series of it starts soon on BBC3. Yay!

People often slag me off for being a fan of wrestling (I blame the fact that, when growing up, I watched British wrestling on ITV) but, be honest, how many other events give you the chance to see something like this?

And would you look at the tits on this!



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January 12, 2009

This “Being Human” sounds good. You’ve got the TARDIS taking off? I’m so jealous. That’s fine about the script.

January 12, 2009

This “Being Human” sounds good. You’ve got the TARDIS taking off? I’m so jealous. That’s fine about the script.

January 12, 2009

This “Being Human” sounds good. You’ve got the TARDIS taking off? I’m so jealous. That’s fine about the script.

January 12, 2009

OMG. The Cloister Bell as a Text Msg sound would be fantastic! I must search for it! ~

January 12, 2009

OMG. The Cloister Bell as a Text Msg sound would be fantastic! I must search for it! ~

January 12, 2009

OMG. The Cloister Bell as a Text Msg sound would be fantastic! I must search for it! ~

January 12, 2009

Always knew you had a thing for tits. 😉

January 12, 2009

Always knew you had a thing for tits. 😉

January 12, 2009

Always knew you had a thing for tits. 😉

January 13, 2009

ryn: Thanks.

January 13, 2009

ryn: Thanks.

January 13, 2009

ryn: Thanks.