Irredeemable shitlib indie folk singer

So, the title.  I can explain…

Frank Turner has brought back his weekly livestream to raise money for independent music venues.  During the second one, some racist cunts decided to try and hijack the live chat.  The chat was immediately filled with heart emojies to push their message off and Frank decided to play this song:

One of them took to Twitter to boast about what he did and my title is his description of Frank.  It’s now Franks Twitter bio and he put it on a t shirt and sold them to raise money for the Leeds Asylum Seekers Support Network.

My birthday was fine.  I watched TV, read some more of Pandora’s Jar and drank some Camden Hell.

Apart from that, there’s not much happening.  Made leek and potato soup in the slow cooker yesterday.  It was nice, but it’ll probably be nicer when I actually remember to put the garlic in next time.  Today I had instant pot chicken tikka masala, which was really nice, but not as nice as the slow cooker one.

At the moment, I’m watching Election.  Great film.

Mum and dad are waiting to get their appointment for their first Covid jab.  Mum, in her late 70’s and having had a triple heart bypass, has said she’d be willing to wait to let someone vulnerable get theirs first.

This is the side of a building on my way into town:


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January 31, 2021

it’s horrible how some people behave when someone is trying to do something that will benefit the people. I hope he makes a ton of money for his cause.