Let the sun and light come streaming

I think this pic is appropriate.

It was the Grand National a couple of weeks ago, so it was my annual flutter on the horses.  I put on 4 each way bets and had money on the horses that won and came fifth.  I was also tempted by the horse that came fourth, but decided against it.

On Saturday I spent my ill gotten gains.  It was Record Store Day.  So, I got up at 1am and caught a bus to Newcastle at 3am.  Unfortunately, there’s no independent record stores near me, so I needed to do that to ensure I would get what I wanted.  I was second in the queue.  After just over 3 hours waiting and a bacon butty, I got these:

Only the Frank Turner and the Rocky Horror demos are RSD releases.  The Swap Shop one was part of a raffle.  The raffle ticket was attached to the record and might have won me a prize.  Sadly, I Wanna Be a Winner wasn’t.

My sister and brother in law are getting divorced.  Which came as a surprise to no-one except probably my brother in law.  As soon as my mum told me that they had temporarily split, I knew it was over.  Meanwhile, my sister in law was supposed to have an operation to remove a tumour, but it was cancelled when an ultrasound discovered the cancer had spread.  So, yeah, it’s just working out what the best form of treatment is.

Preparations for Bearded Theory continue apace.

Have some street art:


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