Moving things up

I was supposed to be going back home for the holidays on the 21st.  But, I don’t have to sign on again until just before my birthday so I’m going up a week on Friday instead.  Which is fine, gives me longer to do stuff, rather than rushing round.

I was also supposed to get my vaccine booster in January.  I had to wait until after 6 months before getting it, which would have been when I was at home.  A week and a half ago, they announced that they were shortening that to 3 months and today the NHS booking website was changed to reflect that.  So, I’m getting it on Friday.

Nightfall.  I’ll be honest, I kinda forgot I’d booked a ticket for it.  I went, it was freezing, but absolutely magical.  To see full pics, go back an entry.  The pic I’ve used here is now one of my favourite phrases, one I’m actually planning to get as a tattoo.

The pics were taken on my new phone.  Yup, it was upgrade time.  I love my new phone.  It’s 5g, so it’s fast.  Unfortunately, they got rid of my add on that means I can listen to Spotify so they quadrupled my data instead.

I also got a new TV.  I actually got it a few weeks ago, just kept forgetting to write about it.  It’s smaller than my old one, but it’s full HD and, more importantly, it’s not the second hand one that kept pissing me off.  also, it links up with my smart speakers, meaning I don’t have to use my remote to switch it on and off.  I also got myself a Blu Ray player, mostly for listening to CD’s, but I have bought some films.

And I think that’s about it from me.


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