No cause for worry now

My favourite thing from Nightfall 2021.  And talking about things that glow in the dark, my newest album:

@GypsyWynd, @darkmadonna, a halogen oven is basically an air fryer, just designed as an oven instead of a deep fat fryer.

So, Nightfall.  It’s an annual thing.  I first went two years ago and missed last year because I was too late to get tickets.  It was freezing.  It was also a longer walk than two years ago.  I enjoyed it.  My absolute favourite bits were the trees with eyes:


The Peoples Palaces:

The bridge that was turned into a river:

And this sign:

I got a phone call yesterday.  About my job application for Tesco Bank.  Wanting to arrange a phone interview.  Go back two entries, I talk about having a phone interview with them.  yeah, they’re organised…

I do have an interview on Monday though.  For a call centre.  The main selling point of this one is 6 weeks holidays.

I’ve got my tickets for going home for the holidays.  I also know what I’m getting mum and dad for Christmas.  Need to message my sister to ask if there’s anything my nephew wants or if I’m just going to get him a t shirt and/or hoodie.

I’ve run out of a colour I need for the cross stitch from hell, so I’m putting it to one side and have started on the blackwork kit I’ve got.  The blackwork bit is all backstitch, which I’m really not looking forward to.

TV recommendation: A Murder at the End of the World.  It’s fantastic.


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December 5, 2023

Thanks for clarifying.