
My all time favourite headline.

My culinary quest continues.  Tonight, I’m making chicken tikka masala, using a kit that comes with the spices instead of just a jar of sauce.  Tomorrow is slow cooked chicken korma.

I also pulled the trigger and bought myself a new book of slow cooker recipes.  So, I’m looking forward to going through that.

By the way, if you go to sites looking for recipes and hate wading through the “I first made this when DH took our adorable kids Frodo, Dyllion and Khalesse out so I could surprise them and it was a hit!” nonsense and you use Chrome, install this extension.  You can thank me later.

Tonight, I’m going to see Captain Marvel, which I’m much looking forward to.  (Also, much delighted at the decision by Disney to bring James Gunn back on board for GotG vol 3.)  Tomorrow is the first F1 race of the season and probably the new season of Queer Eye.


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March 16, 2019

What is this extension and what will it do for me?

March 16, 2019

@jaythesmartone it pulls the recipe from the page and presents it as a pop up so you just read that instead of the whole page.  It’s great

March 16, 2019

I bet you are a great cook!

March 16, 2019

I hate scrolling through photos and narrative when I want a recipe. Thanks for the tip!

March 19, 2019

I love any Korma, especially lamb.