One soul’s epiphany’s, Another soul’s madness

Two entries in a week from me?  What fresh insanity is this?

No, there’s nowt wrong, just felt like writing again.

I’m as ready for Christmas as I can be at this point.  Cards sent to Aberdeen, need to get my sisters Paypal details (for my nephews present) and my father and brother in laws email addresses (for their presents).  After a bit of searching, I have everything I need for cooking on Chrimbo Day, except the veggies which I’m getting on Saturday.  Bit of a struggle finding the turkey fillets and the scotch broth mix, but I got them today.  (OK, it’s country soup mix I’ve got.  Meh, same difference.)  And my lager has been ordered.  I plan on prepping the veg in the morning, before I start drinking.

Last Sunday, my youngest nephew had a swim meet.  He loves his swimming and seems to be good at it.  Case in point, he has started going one morning a week at 6am for training.  Second case in point, he won all 6 of his events last week.

Well, sorta.

It turns out he got disqualified from one for taking too many kicks after a turn.  But, there were only two people in that event and the other boy was also disqualified.  so, they both got the medals they would have won if not for the DQ’s.

I met up with Kev yesterday.  Gave him a bunch of stuff for him and Nikki and just had a general catvhup.  Came home with a new pint glass as well.

This is the song my title is from, More Pressure by Kae Tempest:


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December 18, 2022

Good idea to prep the veg before you start drinking. Knives and inebriation don’t go well together. And Christmas in an ER is no fun.

December 24, 2022

Love the Hallmark satire — made me laugh out loud!