Finally I can journal about Robert’s 2nd Birthday

sssshhhhhh….. the baby – oops – Robert is still asleep!!  DON’T WAKE HIM so I can get SOMETHING done!!  I just finished folding laundry and now a moment to journal?!  I can hardly believe it! 
So, let’s see if I can still remember how his birthday went down…  We woke up in the morning and I got out my helium balloon kit.  Robert LOVES balloons (he emphasizes the "ba" in balloon!!)  We had fun filling about 10 balloons and putting ribbons on them so he could reach them and pull them down.  Then we made his birthday cake!  (white Betty Crocker with speckles of rainbow colors in it with a vanilla frosting)  OK.  Roy and I are trying to recall what we DID in the morning of his birthday, and aside from what I just wrote!! (how sad, I can’t remember exactly!)  I think Roy went to get Robert his swimming pool (cheapy for the summer until it cracks or breaks) and we went on a walk, but I can’t be sure that was his birthday (dang it!)  So, anyway.  We saved presents for when Dylan got home from school.  Then the presents began.  He got all the presents that I had wrapped the night before (up till almost 1AM)  There were duplo blocks and regular blocks.  There was a big plastic dump truck set with 2 trucks (one scooper) and some tools and a hard hat.  There was a Plasmacar (which he calls his helicopter because of the steering wheel shape)  As he opened presents he would play for a while with the new one and forget he had more to open.  I probably got him too many presents, but he needed an upgrade in toys, cuz his were kinda baby-ish.   So he played and was so excited, I think he was in overload!!  In fact at the end of the night he still had an unwrapped present (a floatation device swimsuit) and that got opened a couple days later!!   But we did make plans to take him to the Boardwalk for dinner and boy, was that a good plan!!  He (again) hit sensory overload as he encountered all the games, lights and sounds of the Boardwalk.  Luckily Dylan managed to get Robert into the kid climbing cage and took him up high and down the swirly slide over and over again. In fact, they played so much they missed pizza dinner that Roy and I ate alone!  When we took Dylan home, he gave Robert a Cookie Monster doll that talks (dang it!!  I don’t like that thing going off all the time!) and then we headed home.  Where I almost forgot the biggest best present of all!!  A present I actually managed to keep in my garage since Chanukah!!  It is his Thomas the Train set with a track and a few cars (including Thomas!!)  And he responded as if it was a fantastic present.  In fact, I think he fell asleep that night with train cars in his hands!  Better go, I think Robert is awake!

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