31 Days of Unsent Letters: Day 1-Your oldest friend 10/15/22

It’s crazy to think that we’ve known each other since we were in diapers, running around JJ’s together while our moms bartended. You were my first friend, and only friend for so may years. We were such badass kids, man. I surprised we never gave my dad or your mom a heart attack with the shit we pulled. From sneaking out to go to parties at 14/15, to stealing your moms car while she was sleeping. We’re both 26 now. That’s 20/21 years that you have always held a place in my heart, even though we no longer speak. I don’t know if it was us growing up or whatever, but something changed between us. Seeing you years ago, pregnant with your first son at your baby shower, really made me think about how much we missed in each others lives. You’re in fucking college to become an RN! That’s fucking huge dude. You have no idea how proud of you I am. I won’t lie though, I miss us. I miss being your best friend. I miss walking a mile from dads house to yours. I miss hole 32. I miss going to Uncle Phil’s with you. On my 15th birthday, the card you gave me had a letter you wrote to me in it. You talked about us being old bitty’s and pretending to be NASCAR drivers in the nursing home with our hover rounds. Ramming into each other. Being legit menaces to fucking society even as old ass bitches. I really thought that’s how shit would be. But that’s the farthest from the truth. And that’s okay. People grow up, they grow apart. But you completely cut me out of your life. Why?? I know I moved a lot as a kid, so I wasn’t there all of the time. But I was never more than a phone call away. And every time I came back home, I called you first. It was always you. You were the first person I would see. Fuck every one else. They didn’t matter to me like my best friend did. I really wish I knew why I meant nothing to you now…


You’ll always be my first and longest friend, I love you.




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