For now…


Got my third bookshelf put together.  It’s one of those cheap fiberboard jobbies, but it’s been sitting in its carton for three years   and then sitting out of its carton on the piano bench for a couple months.  So it’s an accomplishment in its own way.


I have a million other books, way too many in fact, in a bunch of other shelves and on the floor.  It’s a hobby, a fault, an obsession, horde in fact.   It’s ok, it’s my love and it makes me happy.

That’s a tall geranium to the bookshelf’s right.  It belongs on the deck but it winters in the h house.  It’s ancient.  I bought it at a greenhouse maybe twenty years ago.  My inside/outside plants are all old.  Lots of winters they barely make it through to spring but they always come back.  I have more geraniums, a couple begonias and some german ivy.

The plants are like my books, friends and companions who follow me though life.


I don’t have a lot to say today.

I had intended to write about the weekly themes but I was gone for a while and got behind.  Maybe next time.


My next sentence escaped so I guess that’s a sign I’ve said enough.


Have a good night everyone… and a good weekend to come.


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March 21, 2018

I too used to have house plants. I formed relationships with them. I knew what was good for them. I gave what I could. They are all gone now. We are still here. It’s spring. Good for us.

March 21, 2018

That’s a really nice looking book case.  We are alike in the sense that it would take me as long as it took you to put it together.  LOL!  Never heard of geraniums growing indoors.

March 21, 2018

I have the blackest thumb in the world.

I kill succulents, which is really hard to do… but I do.

March 22, 2018

I’m also a book hoarder.  I cannot give up any of them, even if I know I am not likely to read them again.

March 23, 2018

I just got finished putting hubby’s million books on the shelves that used to hold his millions of NASCAR models! I like the books better! Love your shelves!

March 29, 2018

Do you take cuttings for replanting?  Great book shelf!   I’m reading mostly e-books nowadays and it helps with the hoarding problem. lolol. There just wasn’t enough space anymore for hard copies and I was thinking why I kept the books. Not many people around who would love to read them anyway. I cannot imagine life without books.  My mainstay.