Daily news

A few years ago, I had an episode of an inner ear problem that took me to ER.  I had never experienced anything like it before and it was beyond bizarre.  I remember sitting at the table and telling my husband I felt funny.  I got up, went into the kitchen, and the next thing I know, I’m waking up on the floor.  Which led me to a trip to ER, multiple tests, and the final conclusion of, we can’t do anything for you – just live with it.  I’ve had sinus problems for years, along with a couple of sinus surgeries, and apparently, when the conditions are just right, I get a type of vertigo.  I haven’t had any problems for a couple of years but this week, I could feel the vertigo coming back.  So I just stayed in bed for a couple of days.  And I was fine.  When it gets really bad, I get so dizzy and disoriented even laying down is a miserable experience.  But, like I said, I try to avoid any problems.  Nothing worse than walking somewhere and then waking up on the ground.  Kaboom.

My daughter has decided to fly to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving and visit her new relatives.  Her aunt invited her and I encouraged her to go.  Since Covid, she has literally just been staying in her apartment and working from home.  Oh, she’s gone a few places now and then, but she really hasn’t traveled far or been gone for very long.  She has anxiety, but so does the rest of the world, I think.  I acknowledge her issues, and applaud her decision to get out there.  It’s not easy facing your anxiety.  I’m sure she’ll do great.

And now that my husband has eliminated so many of his old friends, I get stuck listening to his daily Fox News Regurgitation.  Oh Lord, save me.  However, besides watching Stephen Colbert on YouTube to counterbalance the insane with more insanity, I think I better start reading more.  TikTok is fun, but I seriously think my brain cells are melting.


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October 24, 2021

I feel bad you have to go through the vertigo.  My only problem was when I had an inner ear infection once.  Fox????  Oh my.  I’ll say lotsa prayers for ya!  😎