Having your first love when you’re 20

11 April, 2023

The fact that we love someone without expecting anything in return at the onset, but midway, we start wishing for our feelings to be reciprocated or to be seen and accepted by the other person involved is such a sad truth. When you don’t see your feelings reciprocated, it is heart-wrenching and sad to face.  You cry over it and that is when you realize you were truly in love with the person and further find that I was the sole reason for the heartbreak. I broke my own heart, and I can’t blame anyone because they were never really involved except in my head. I need to learn to accept this and move on… I wonder how long would it take!!!

“Days will pass, and you’ll abandon things you were addicted to, and leave someone, and cancel a dream, and finally, accept the reality.” -Nizar Qabbani

I gotta move on…

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