Not the same.

Well I find myself ‘enjoying’ (?) the last day before spring semester starts.

I put the (?) because I am not sure if I am really enjoying it or not.

Before new ‘things’ start..I always am nervous. I am nervous for the different things/situations that can arise I guess. I mean I already am getting 2 new roommates..but I am thinking of different things that could change..things that I guess I don’t feel like getting into right now.

Being home for that long period of time was not an easy adjustment. I honestly do not feel like I fit in my family anymore. I know this is because before I came here I was home everyday and was apart of everything/knew what was going on. Now it is like I am a stranger. I don’t like it at all, and the sad part is is that I do not see it changing. I mean I didn’t have to come back up here until today, but I came back up Wednesday, and the only reason I waited that long is because I had to bring Josh back up here with me. I don’t know.

Ugh screw the organization

You know what? I can get weird about it. Why? because I dont have that kind of relationship with my friends where I am constantly saying "LOVE YOOOOU"

I mean if Tim Turi was constantly writing on my FB "Oh Bri I miss you sooo much!! Love you can’t wait to see you" it would bug you to.

And you know what? Fuck facebook. I mean you want everyone to see that OR ELSE YOU WOULD JUST CALL OR TEXT. oh wait..

It’s like AHHAHAHSdkfuj sdlgkj sgtrliudgzdt.

wow this was going to be a really positive entry

I just hate feeling llike peoples intentions are to be annoying and be THAT KIND OF PERSON.

Why did I bring my SATC home?

I dont enjoy having nightmares.

I dont enjoy writing like this,

My head is screaming

control yourself,






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January 24, 2010

*HUG* Hang in there. 🙂 I hope the break was great and the semester is keeping you feeling fulfilled. I wish you all the best and hopefully you aren’t getting the wet, heavy snow like we are getting in MI. *HUG* NR: Yes, taking care of yourself is one of the most important things. Good call. *HUG*