Yep, Im in the mood lately

pregnancy calendar

How this works total each section for a grand total at the bottom, the number is how many years your Guilt would get you sentenced to in prison

[x]dated someone older
[x]dated someone outside of my race
[x]dated someone my parents wouldn’t approve of
[]dated someone who wasn’t technically part of my sexual orientation (i.e.: if you’re straight female and you’ve dated a female or if you’re gay and you’ve dated the opposite sex)
[x]dated someone I met on the internet
[]dated someone I met at a bar
[x]dated someone I knew I shouldn’t have
[]dated more than one person at once
[x]dated someone just to get laid
[]dated someone and lied about it
[x]no longer a virgin
[x]given oral
[x]been given oral
[x]watched x rated movie
[ ]lied about sexual history
[x]cheated on boyfriend/girlfriend
[x]threesome or more
[x]one night stand
[x]slept with someone who was cheating
[x]slept with someone who’s name you don’t know(dont remember it now)
[x]lied to a friend
[x]lied to a parent
[x]lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend
[x]lied about lying
[x]been caught in a lie
[x]lied to a teacher
[x]lied to a boss
[x]lied about your age
[x]lied about your past
[x]been called a liar
[]been in a fist fight
[]been in a fight involving a knife
[]been shot at
[]shot at someone
[]sucker punched someone
[]killed someone
[]knocked someone out
[]arrested for violence
[]convicted of a violent crime
[]been in a bar fight
[x]i drink/drank alcohol
[x]i smoke/smoked cigarettes
[x]i smoke/smoked weed
[]i do/have done some other kind of drugs
[x]i have done something i regret while drunk
[ ]i have something i regret while high
[ ]i have been arrested for a dui/dwi
[ ]i have been arrested for possession of some kind of drug
[ ]i have od’d
[ ]i have been to rehab
[x]i have made someone cry
[x]i have betrayed someone
[x]at some point it could be said i was ‘vindictive’
[x]i have kicked some sort of animal
[]dumped someone via note, phone, or answering machine
[ ]spit in someone’s drink
[ ]spit in someone’s food
[ ]stole someone’s significant other
[x]spread a rumor about someone
[ ]threatened someone’s life
[x]flashed someone
[x]mooned someone
[x]sung in the shower
[x]skinny dipped
[x]gotten detention/been on academic probation
[x]snapped someone’s bra
[x]skipped class
[x]been in a parade
[x]pranked calls
[x]kissed a stranger

pregnancy calendar


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December 13, 2007

Okay this wouldn’t land me in jail. I’m too much of a nerd! Haha!