Our story Part 1: 1997

I need to go back 30 years.  When I was 15 years of age.  My freshman year of high school.  I had a guy friend named ” Tom” not really his name but I figure I can tell our story without judgment. Tom was always nice to me and would talk to me most days.  Sometimes he would have this friend with him, let’s call him “Rusty”. Thing was I never paid much attention to Rusty the first 2 years of high school. He was just Tom’s friend who followed him around. This guy would have a shaved head Time to time & I rub it for good luck.  I didn’t know his name.  I would be high most days & I liked rubbing the stubble on my hands because it felt good high.

By my junior year I was forced to go to a different school because of my grades but after a long 9 weeks I went back to my high school.  Rusty was the only one who seemed happy that I was back or even noticed I was gone.  Again still didn’t know his name. It wasn’t that I was rude or mean.  Just high & barely would talk to be when Tom came to talk to me.  Just this sweet shy kid.

By the end of our senior year I was not dating anymore.  I needed to focus on regular life.  But prom night my friend “Jon” took me as friends. Our after prom was held at the college.  It was there where Rusty & I got bamboozled by our friends. Tom & his buddy “Mike” played match maker & got Rusty & I together.

we walked around the gymnasium for 2 hours talking about each other.  It was the first time I ever allowed any one to hook me up with someone.  It was first time I ever just talked with a guy about each other.  We talked about his family & mine.  We talked about pets.  We talked about school.  We talked about what our plans would be after graduation.  We talked about jobs & him not having a job.  We talked about comic books. We talked about star wars.  We talked about dungeons and dragons. Talked about him being on the wrestling team at school.  We talked about me graduating early but still could walk with the class. We talked about music mostly.  Then he walked me to my car.  We didn’t want to say goodbye. What should have been 5 minutes took 30 minutes. He hugged me & I felt tingles run down my back.  I could hear him smell my hair.

He had these deep hazel eyes.  He was short like me but stood tall & very straight.  Muscular & stubble hair. He had the Muscular hands too. Strong when he held me. His smile that night melted my heart.  How did I not really notice him before? I didn’t know when I would see him again because I was already done with school.  We had a few weeks left before graduation day.  I gave him my number before I left by writing on his hand. Mind you this was before cell phones or Google. Internet was around but not like it is now.

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April 15, 2024

I was in college as a ya in the late nineties. It was the best time to be alive. 😄✌️