I’m alive!

Not that I think anyone is actually reading this – or if you are, you probably already know I’m alive because we’re FB friends (and I still do occasionally note here).  I just got wrapped up in school and other craziness and haven’t been motivated to write for the past five months!

Not much to report, really.  The puppy is enormous (48 lbs at the last vet check, and that was two weeks ago so I bet she’s gained at least another 5 by now) and wonderful, though she has developed a taste for stuffed animals, particularly the ones the kids hold dear.  I just have to keep reminding them to close their bedroom doors! 

The kids are also wonderful and amazing, though they drive me crazy.  Isn’t that what kids are supposed to do, though?

DH is fantastic as always.  I took the kids to Florida last week to see my family, and while we were gone he ripped up all the old carpet, put in laminate flooring, and painted the living room and dining room.  It’s like having a new house šŸ™‚  He’s off to Vegas this week for a conference. 

I’m too busy for words, but I guess that’s good.  I enjoy the craziness for the most part, but sometimes I wish I could slow it down a little bit.  When I think about adding scouts or baseball or something else to the kids’ schedule next year, I wonder if we can manage it?  But I’m sure we’ll figure it out somehow.

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April 19, 2013

Wow, I love laminate flooring. I’ll be your house is awesome! Glad that your dog is doing well too. šŸ™‚

May 30, 2013

ryn: shocker to me as well

ryn: lol don’t tempt me! šŸ™‚ You’d be there all day, because these are just a few of the wacky, dishonest people we met there. Ugh.