Don’t Be Such A Stick In The Mud

My Grandma got in her feelings because I was shaking my head at her all because she was so impatient on waiting on her food with no salt and al she got was gritz just because she had to be somewhere at a certain time. And of course she had to text me with the bullshit syaing how I “hurted her feelings”. She always does this just because she’s depressed and sad and misses Grandpa. She’s not the only one who be missing Grandpa and I always have to apologize to her but she never apologizes to me with the things she says to me about being in my feelings too much or that I always go to my mother about certain things even though she does the same thing and vise versa.



I just went ahead and apologized to her because she’s going to keep trying to make me feel bad which congrats it worked. Well,more mad than, sad. More like angry and distraught.

– A

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