New Glasses

I bought me some new glasses because as you may know I had recently lost my other pair. Nowhere to be found. Weird. Ikr. So I just 2enr ahead and bought two more pair just incase my other pair come up and it hasn’t. I bought both blue and red they didn’t really much have green one’s as it seems they were out of option colors. Bur I really love the choices that I’ve chose their really cute. Blue and red. Of coarse. I can wear my red glasses whenever I go out to a fancy restaurant or something. That’s how fashionable they are. I honestly love them and happy that I can see again.


Didn’t really do anything today at work. We have a bunch of checkouts and check-in coming soon but I doubt they want me upstairs. They don’t ever have me upstairs barely anymore. 🙄🙄🙄🙄.


– A

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