School Troubles

Life has been hard but some parts are good. Like my relationship! He and I were on the phone last night and we talked and laughed for I don’t even know how long! He made me blush and that hardly ever happens! But the bad part was on the ride to school and back. There is this person that was talking bad about another student and I called her out for it. I told her that I would never let her talk bad about the student just like I would never let the student talk bad about her. And this morning that same girl was bothering me and asking me for stuff. The other student and I were talking and laughing and she kept barging in with nonsense. I don’t like talking bad about people but sometimes I get really angry and need to vent. I guess today is one of those days.

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That is what I miss about my ex fiance. I miss him like hell… the laughterm the tears … everything.

December 11, 2020

@zombieinfusedtea im sorry….it sucks