i heart.

Most of this will only be understood by restaurant industry lifers.

Sarcasm included.

About me:

I HEART YERBA MATE, breaking in new Danskos, dive bars, the "HOE-TELL", discussing which is better: sweeping or mopping, sunday family meal that usually overflows into service time, wine tastings/classes, avoiding anything with "brunch" in the name, training new people!! the late night bar crowd, feeling sweat drip down my calf while I’m talking to a guest, the difference between tang and sunny-d, working hard all day just so rich people can eat a meal, throwing people under the bus, expensive diet drugs, the sense of urgency, working splits, listening to everyone around me constantly saying "get it!" and "pound it" and "look here" and "do what?" and "yes chef", fat people with their bare hands in an enormous tub of chicken salad, kissing ass for a living, having the "morning angrys", consistantly harassing Drew for his pronunciation of words like "CORE-e-ZOE" and "PON-ZET-E-AH" and "DOLLY" instead of "doilie", carrots and hummus, talking shit about the entire state of west virginia!!!!!! its what i do. Wasting time drinking while my husband works the night shift, nibbling on capapes behind closed doors, spilling red wine on white table cloths, moving large amounts of furniture, trash talking coworkers behind their backs, slapping a smile on my face when i’m hung over, the french language, stealing copious amounts of beer after working an off-site event, drinking said beer after work with friends, polishing glassware!, getting bitched at, playing the forever innocent (another thing i do), running food up and down 2 flights of stairs, american honey wild turkey, being asked where my husband is ever single time i walk into a bar, espresso shots at midnight, prescription drugs, that ache in my shins, getting things like Krug champagne given to me for free, working all holidays, nights, and weekends, always being surrounded by at least 3 pregnant chicks (its a west virginia thing), eating leftover food from christmas in april, rockstar energy drinks, MY CAT!!!!, working out during a split shift because i am THAT hardcore, having an "attitude", being the token blond in the room who just so happens to be smarter than all the brunettes, vino, showing off my knowledge, "kitchen spanish", fridays being any other day of the week except for friday, cutting fruit, reminding people that west virginia doesnt have any professional sports teams, driving 10 hours to where I’d rather be, smoke breaks, cute new boys, the way high heels feel after wearing flats all day, sucking it up, busting my ass, doing barre exersizes by myself when no ones watching, knowing everyone in this entire county, looooong talks with my mom on the phone about random shit, and being a total smart ass ALL. DAY. LONG.

the end.

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May 1, 2009

hahaha. yes. yes and yes.

May 6, 2009

AHHH, yes. I miss the days when I was working full time in a restaurant. It’s shitty at times, but there are definitely a lot of good memories. I’m now only working on the weekends at a restaurant, and I’ve got my day job during the week. Not nearly as exciting.