WV pics.

I wanted to post some pictures from my hike the other day…I have to get ready for work, these took so long to upload now I dont have any time.


This kind of beautiful spring day is the only thing this state has going for it. 😉

I worked out pretty well at the gym yesterday, and I feel like I’m getting back on track. I ate well too, lots of salad and fruit, tempeh, yum! It will be interesting to see how I can keep on track eating-wise at my new job. I made a giant thing of yerba that I’m keeping at work, and that helps me a lot. Yerba is the BEST.

So I just need to keep myself working out, even when I can’t get to the gym, I need to stay active and exersize in creative ways. I need to lay off the sweets and the carbs that I’ve been allowing myself to foolishly eat lately, and get in more veggies. Then I will be ready for my bikini! I feel healthy about these ideas today. We’ll see how it goes. In my experience, one bad day ruins all these healthy, posative ideals.

We havent gotten the chance to take anything yet…we’re sitting on 15 pills and being really responsible! ðŸ™‚ go us! Paul has been working splits though, and last night he said he’s going to have to start taking a dome and staying through his split. Of course thats a bad idea, and I told him that, but he doesnt think so, and he thinks getting stuff done during the day is more important. NOT. I’m in a weird mood…just want to get this hectic weekend overwith…I’m working the rest of the weekend and I only have one day off this week. I’m thinking sunday after work I can finally get high. I wont be able to until then because I’m working all day today and tomorrow, early Saturday morning. God i just want to start my new job.

I’m becoming addicted to ebay. I am bidding on some of these vintage coach briefcase/purse/atache bags that are SICK!!! Authentic coach bags for cheap. I need a paper-friendly purse. I find myself carrying around manilla folders everywhere and I need a purse that suits papers like that. Ebay is awesome, and dangerous.

I miss my mommy! I want to go home soon, but thats not going to be happening. Im trying to go to IL in a month or so, and thats the only thing I can realistically ask off for. Oh well….

Crap I really need to get ready for work. I’ll add more pics later, when I have time to wait for the big files to upload.


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May 1, 2009

http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/Downloads/powertoys/Xppowertoys.mspx Go to that website and look on the right side for the image resizer. Download it, install it, then you can right click on your pictures from your computer and resize them. I’ve used it for years and it works wonders. It does a great job of decreasing the picture/file size without decreasing the pic quality.

May 1, 2009

The pictures are beautiful though! I need to go hiking. Good job on being good and sitting on the pills so far. 🙂 I’m sure you’re psyched about Sunday though. I’m a little jealous honestly. haha And Yerba?!? What’s that?