mindless and easy…

Can you answer all of these questions without saying "I don’t know?"
i will try my best.

Would you rather sleep for 3 days, or stay awake for 3 days?
Be awake for 3 days, I like that feeling of hysteria. I’m weird but I like being wired.

Would you rather choose truth, or dare while playing "truth or dare"?
truth if i was lame enough to play

Would you rather have 10 kids, or none?
i’d rather have 10 i think

Would you rather shower in a lake, or in the ocean?
lake, no salt please!

Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
yeah, i’d like to think everyone does. I have been told several times recently that its plain to see that Paul loves me more than anything. I love hearing that 🙂

Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?

Are you sleepy?
nope, almost drunk though. Hense the survey.

Last time you talked to your number one on the phone?
my number one? i have many of those. Paul, probably yesterday.

Do you tend to waste a lot of your money?
not often, but once and a while i waste money when i set out for some retail therepy.

Does it make you mad when people stare at you?
Depends on why I think they’re staring

What’s your relationship with the person you talked to last?

Where is your number two person on your friends list?
what friends list?

What are you doing today?
I just got off work not too long ago, its my friday, and I’m drinking while doing things online, taking a break from that with mindless OD and music, then Paul’s coming home and we’re going out.
How about tomorrow?
Depends on the weather, but i know i have to do laundry, sleep in, not in that order..and take care of some other business but i also hope to do something fun.

When did you last cry?
hmm..a few days ago or more, watching some dance performances…i’m a sucker for comtemporary and mia michaels, for ONE, and anything that strikes my "dance" cord. I’ve been dreaming of nothing but dance lately and getting closer and closer to getting back into the studio (like that will ever actually happen).

Do you miss the way things use to be?
i miss dancing everyday and feeling SO good about that. I miss being thin and athletic and in great shape, having a small tight body that got lots of attention. I miss that. I miss adrenaline.

Do you find it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive, DEFINATELY. I never forget anything, but i forgive easily.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get hit?
i’d like to hit some people in the mouth. but, thats wrong 🙂

When is the last time you were in a photo booth taking pictures with friend?
in new york with paul, serveral years ago. crazy its been so long since we lived in NY. I used to miss it so much. I used to think I left my heart there. Now I know its moved on.

What made you laugh today?
"like a boss" video. And Shelly at work.

What’s the last two digits in your phone number?

What does the fourth text in your inbox say and who is it from?
its beneath me to check.

What’s the connection between you and the last person that called you?
he’s my husband.

What shoes did you wear today?
work shoes, danskos
Do you like glitter?
certainly not.
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason?
For SOME weird reason, my heart started pounding today when I saw the new VP of f&b standing outside my restaurant, after the hostess had already told me he stopped by to meet me…i was anxiously waiting for him to come in and talk to me since he must have noticed that I had suddenly appeared out of my office, but he never came over to talk. My heart was fricking POUNDING and it was stupid. it shouldnt have been.

Who’s car was you last in?
my own

Next door to my house is?
neighbor’s  house

Have you ever wanted to never give up on someone?
all the time. i always wanted to give up on brandon but never could. ive wanted to give up on myself but never could either, thankfully.

What time did you go to sleep last night?
Around 2:30 I think

Are there any saved birthday cards in your bedroom?
Yes, i save some of them

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
way too often

Who was the last person to make you smile?
Paul and my cat after that.

How old do you look?
Younger than I am by a good bit, i’m told. it depends on who you ask. People at work think i’m older than I am, maybe because of my position. when i was serving tables though, people sometimes didnt think i was old enough to know anything about the cocktails or wines i was serving.

Do you think money buys happiness?
It sure as hell helps

The last person you texted is the person a he or a she?
She, my friend Marie.

Think back to September, were you dating anyone?
Nope, I was just as married then as I am now

Last thing you ate?
brown rice and vegetables.

If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
Oh wow…I have no idea…the year I worked at the sporting club? No, because I met some AMAZING friends that year, despite how lame a year it was. I still learned a LOT. 7th grade sucked, LOL. But again, without it…some things would never come to be. 8th grade sucked too. But you cant take those years out because they lead to the rest. the first year i moved to WV was hard, but Paul and I made so much ground that year. Who can really delate a year of their life? And how the hell would

you decide? You have to take the good with the bad, and every year has a lot of both.

Would you rather text or MSN?

Purple or green grapes?
purple, though i call them red.

What time did you wake up this morning?

Have you ever kissed/made out with someone who has tattoos?
Everyday 🙂

Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger?
of course

Could you go a day without eating?
certainly, if i was upset enough, or so happy and distracted enough.

Do you write notes on your body?

Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?

Have you ever kissed someone who was high?

When is the next time you’ll kiss someone?
When Paul gets home

Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years?
Still, yes

Say something to someone without saying there name:
I miss you ~ I hope you are doing well ~ I just want to see you smiling ~ ~ ~

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July 19, 2009

I could not handle 10 children….even if they cam e from my loins. I read the part where you’re sad yu can’t dance everyday.(I assume that is because of a job now) You still dance when you get the chance right?