
I feel kind of defeated today, and maybe lately in general. I am so tired and nauseous, etc…really its not that bad compared to what many women go through; I haven’t even ACTUALLY vomited or anything. But my house is a mess, Lucy has been watching way too much curious George, and my mom is coming to stay with us on the 22nd. I want everything to be ready for her, like she always does for me when I come visit. I just don’t know how it will get done. I work tomorrow, but then I have the weekend plus Mon and Tues to accomplish stuff. Then Tues-Thurs I have all day orientation which will exhaust me but i’m looking forward to it.  Then I will have another whole weekend to clean up. I start school Tuesday, have my midwife apt wed, and pick my mom up that same day. Ok, as I think this through, im seeing plenty of TIME to get it done. I have no energy- that’s the problem.

But overall things are really good. Paul has been getting trips which means more money for us, and more confidence for him. His first trip ever he got a 75.00 tip on top of his 375.00 rate. Not bad for about 5 hours worth of work. 🙂 He had another trip this morning and has more booked this month. Im so happy for him. And he’s been really sweet about the baby, and he and lucy have done some bonding recently. His schedule is about to free up at work quite a bit and I cant wait for some family time. Then my parents move down, so it will be so nice to have him around for all that.

I cant WAIT for my parents to get here!

As far as Pauls parents….good things and bad things.

The good is that the place they are supposedly looking at is way north of tampa. I should have mapped the hours on it, but i’d say at LEAST 3 hours, probably 4. At least I’m hoping/thinking. The other good part is that Brad and I have been talking a lot more lately, and Linda is telling Brad a lot about their "move" down here, but always saying that we need space, and its "our time" right now, and they want to give us space. That’s accurate, if understated. So that’s fine.

Bad news is they are telling brad one thing and my parents another, and me nothing, and paul only a few things. its a hot mess to even try to follow their logic. They told brad they are selling their house in Michigan and paying lot rent really soon on this trailer in florida that is Gary’s brothers old place. They told paul (through email) its a place off craigslist that they are BUYING. They told my parents they are renting, and they are NOT selling their place in Michigan. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Recently Linda’s hometown on facebook changed to our town, where we currently live. WHAT? we all asked her about it and she said it just HAPPENED and she doesn’t know how, and doesn’t know how to change in back. UM NO. When brad pushed her on it, she got really weird and changed the subject. we think they are trying to pull some tax or residency scheme. If they do I think I will seriously report it anonymously.

I had a physical for school yesterday and the doctor really upset me. He gave me the 5th degree for not wanted to disclose my pregnancy to my school- YET. I told him I obviously will, but im only 8 weeks, they have no business knowing this yet…and he said it was unethical. NO ITS FUCKING NOT. He was so rude. He laughed at me and made some comments about complications during pregnancy interrupting my plans with school, and did I ever think of that? No shit Sherlock. He seemed pissed that I thought 1 month at home with my new baby was enough before going back to school. I DONT HAVE A CHOICE! Of course its not enough! but this is a temporary sacrifice for my family and I have to do it. It wont kill the child to be with my mom for a few hours 4 days a week.

Yeah its gonna be more than a few hours but still. It will probably only be for one semester and then its summer, and they haven’t told us if we will be having summer classes this year or not.


Im excited about the new baby and want to write about so many other things but im pooped.

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May 9, 2013

What are you going to school for? I made it through my semester and then at registration time for this Spring semester I decided to disclose that I was pregnant. I knew I would have to take the semester off due to my issues while I am pregnant & whatnot, but still, I just did what I had to and got through the semester then told them. It isn’t unethical, especially when many people don’t even announce their pregnancies until they are sure that the pregnancy is okay.

May 9, 2013

I was off three weeks after having mine. I went back to class with a baby with me, continued online, and still finished most of the semester with 3 a’s.

May 10, 2013

You know some rugs can be total douches. It’s your body…you know your limits better than anyone else. Good luck with the in laws. <3

May 14, 2013

It is not for a doctor to judge you one way or the other. He is being unethical. I hope things with your in laws gets resolved. I would be so wary.

May 24, 2013

You’re not required to tell your school. Don’t let your doctor make you feel bad. You especially don’t need to tell them during your first trimester. Honestly, if your Dr keeps pushing the issue, I would maybe switch Dr’s. Hopefully your nauseous will subside soon. The first trimester was the worst for me. And I was sooo tired throughout my entire pregnancy. Miserable.