I want to try to make it work…

…with my husband!

I do love him very much.  I’ve vented on here about his yelling and what-not…it’s still stressful to me.

He hasn’t been yelling like he had for a little while now.  He recently started making more money after he started his life insurance business…so maybe that helped.

I don’t want to hold on to things from the past.  I want to focus on the good things and the blessings that are in my life now.

I remember how my husband was there for me when I felt rejected by friends and the church ministry I was involved in, back in the day.  Back then, he didn’t yell at me.  He left the school I was dismissed from because of me.

I never wanted to be the reason he was ever unhappy.   Maybe me dwelling on the past HAS made him unhappy.

I know he loves me.  I want to make our marriage work.  He’s been working very hard, providing for our family.  Maybe I could go on more dates with him…and help organize more family outings.


I want to make him happy.  I want to make a lot of people in my life happy.

These are just some late-night thoughts I’m having.

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