
I had horrible dream last night.

I went back to visit at the school where I was working during the 2001-2002 school year. I walked down the same hall and came upon the teacher who had the room next to mine. We talked for a bit.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone how horrible the English dept. head was to you?”

“I tried to, no one cared enough to listen.”

“Look in that room *she pointed up the hall*, look at the new teacher they hired.”

In my former room there were straight little rows of desks. Each desk had a green cut out paper above it–it listed letters A through D and listed numbers 1-10 as well as student names written in block letters.

“She treats all the students like that. Even Brandon. *Brandon was one of my favorites who would draw me pictures* There she is now.”

At that, a lady walked by and into the classroom. She was wearing a nametag that said “Hi, I’m Tom’s sister.” Tom was another teacher at the school. Then, Sue, the woman I never got along with came along and just ignored me at first. Then she looked, seemed surprised, mumbled hello and pretended that I didn’t exist. Just like always.

And I left.

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Be who you are. Creative teachers who are student centered are rare. If you have stopped teaching, find a school where you fit in. I once worked as a poet in the schools. Being a creative teacher requires as much skill as a diplomat as it does the energy to teach. I found your od on random. I am glad you exist.