New Year’s Eve.

I can’t believe that I’ve only written one entry this year.

I can’t believe that in order to go back to a time when I wrote consistently, I would need to look at entries from 2002.

I can’t believe that my love of writing was fostered here and now is crushed under foot. Not really. Thrown away? Not really that either. When I was younger I used to think that if I could spend a week by the ocean (an overwhelmingly inspiring thing) I would pen the next great work of art on paper.

I live 30 minutes from the ocean and can’t remember the last time I have been there. Still. It overpowers me and scares me and thrills me all the same.


I like to think that after reading hundreds of young adult literature, talking to hundreds of teenagers on an almost daily basis I could creat the next Harry Potter or Twilight. I think I could. But I don’t.


Is it laziness? Not sure.


However…that’s another entry. 2011. Tomorrow.


What did this year bring? It’s a wash in my mind. Mostly Alex. Taking care of her is every moment now. She’s getting so big. She started walking this year. Talking. Running. Making me feel older with each step. Visited PA a couple of times. Watched my grandma fading. Siblings getting older.


The biggest thing I realized is that I am HOME. I always considered the home I grew up in as "home." In the past years I’ve missed being there for Christmas. This  year, this is one of the first times it didn’t matter that I was here for Christmas. Here is home.

I would like to promise myself that I will write more, but once work starts again, between teaching and Alex and keeping the house clean and life running, it falls to the wayside. But at least I have two entries for 2010.

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