Looking back

Today i was looking to an old picture of me in school, and realize i wish i was there, i miss being a kid/teenager, wish i could go back in time and do things diferent, or just enjoy everything again.

I remember exacly how the day of the picture was, i was there with a friend i at the time had a crush on. We were taking pictures for the class, one by one, and while we waited for our turn i was flerting with her and just remember that I was talking to her as I circled her, holding the zipper of her coat and opening it a little as I approached. It was a thing we used to do, me and her would mess aroud like that but never really had anything between us beside all the flerting.

I miss being a teenager and just play like this, with no regrets, with no looking to pictures and wishing to go back, i was happy there. I am happy now, but a diferrent kind of happy.

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