The beauty of life

She has been cured from cancer. Since, she spend a lot of time at her parents, going there for a few days every so often. They have a big house with a luscious garden and her mother taking all the care of her in the world. I understand that. I love spending time with my mother too, our vacations apart. Being home, no mess no fuss. Just hanging around people so in step with who you are.

My father died of a heart attack, relatively young. It was sudden. Did he know, did he ignore the signs? I dont know, your time is your time but if you were asked at that very last moment, just before the lights went out? If someone would grab you by the solders and shake you, demanding: “why the fuck did you not say something??”. Then what would I say, “Oh, sorry, I thought it was nothing”? Can you say that? I dont know but, I would like to believe not.

This is what I want to say: men will die at war and woman have to bear the children that will stand up to the next fight. Once more we will find ourselves doing things we don’t necessarily agree with but that is just (the beauty of) life…

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