It’s hard to rest when there’s so much I want to do.

I have a cold. It’s been going around here lately. I have no voice to speak of (pun not intended, oy). I’m close to having a fever. I’m spending as much time bonding with my favorite chair as possible. I should be sleeping. Maybe I can make up for it with extra fluids. 🙂

Anyway, having a cold is frustrating. There’s so much I want to accomplish. I’ve been better at completing tasks lately due to a change in my meds–thanks Dr. Awesome (not his real name).  The problem is that I feel like I can actually do more, so I really really want to do all the things right now! But I also will straight-up make myself way more sick if I zoom all over the place doing all the things. *sigh* Patience isn’t my strong suit, I guess I get to work on that now.

Today though, my main goal was to submit to a little writing competition. Today is the deadline. I had worked a little bit on it, but I felt stuck. Amazing the power of the deadline, suddenly this morning, I could think of what to write. I felt so unsure of myself that I literally ran my own words through a plagiarism checker.  Whatever. Satisfied that it wasn’t derivative, I filled in the form and hit submit.  It’s the first thing I’ve submitted in like months. Whatever. It’s done. I threw the noodle, let’s see if it sticks. I suspect whatever competition there is will be fierce because the contest was a no-fee but large cash prize one. Doesn’t matter though right? To a point, sending things out is what’s important.

OK, I’m going to go rest. If I want to do all the things, I have to feel OK. Alas.


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October 5, 2022

Patience isn’t my strong suit either. Get better soon.

October 8, 2022

All the best with the competition.

Don’t try to do too much stuff at once – you feel good for a moment then feel worse for longer 🙁